Wednesday, 27 February 2013

You win some, you lose some.

Have you ever been faced with a difficult decision that would change your life, no matter which path you chose? Life sometimes throws us choices that we don't want to have to make, but we  have no power to change reality. So just the same, when decisions move to a point of being out of our control, all we have the power to do is try to make the best of the situation we are presented with.

Just over a year ago I was presented with one of those life changing decisions but it shook my world so distinctly, that my mind was paralyzed with fear before I could even make sense of the choices laid out in front of me. Most of you will know by now that fear used to be a massive part of my life so that's nothing new, but it so often had the power to stop me in my tracks and send me into a whirlwind of emotion and denial and that's exactly what it had done this time. A choice was made for me and it was probably the better path to travel down, but now that my life has changed so much, my mind can't help but wonder. I cannot help but think of how different everything could be if I had made the decision myself. I cannot help but wonder, if I'd made the same decision, would it have been right? I honestly really don't think it would've, and that's such a bittersweet feeling. But I guess I am incredibly lucky for it to have worked out okay. It really just goes to show, some things aren't meant to be.

As a wise man once said to me, "It always works out okay."
Courtney's Imagination★

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