Monday, 6 August 2012

Reach for the stars.

Put your hand up if the future scares you.

Okay, now put your hand up if YOUR future scares you.

I can almost guarantee that my hand was up first for both of those questions, because I can safely say; I am terrified.

I am scared of whether or not I’ll succeed.
I am scared of whether or not I’ll be happy.
I am scared of the places I’ll go, and the things I’ll see, and the people I’ll meet.
I guess you could say I am scared of myself.

I think I’ve mentioned fear quite often here before in negative ways, but this fear is different. It’s unique, and like nothing else I’ve ever been scared of. Fear is something we often class as a bad emotion to be feeling, but I think it’s good too, and pretty exciting.

There are many things in life that will petrify us, but that doesn’t mean we should hold back and live sheltered lives. A very wise man once asked me if I thought that he shouldn’t go through the bad things in his life just because it was difficult. I said that I didn’t think that, and he replied with the following;

“Something good comes out of every situation, and now I'm the happiest I've ever been.” 

That’s been a phrase I’ve repeated many times, and it has taken me far. There came a time in my life where that same man had once said the following to me;

“5 months ago you were failing. I thought you had no hope in hell.”

With that said, it obviously now gives me extreme pleasure to be called a success by him. Sure, I’ve screwed up many parts of my life, but it’s not the falling down that matters in life, it’s the getting back up that gets us through life.

4 years ago when my heart took in those words of having ‘no hope in hell’, I was in a very bad place in my life. If you’ve read previous posts then you may know something about that, but for now, let’s just say that my head was the definition of a train-wreck. To now hear that somebody from my life back then is proud of me for my achievements and where I am today, I’m feeling pretty much ‘over the moon’. Back then though, today was the future to me. Today was a day I was petrified of. Today was a day I weren’t even sure I would get to see. Most things in life turn out differently to how we expect them to or how we plan them to, but not always in a negative way. Those differences can be so, SO good for us.

The sky is not your limit, there are footprints on the moon...
Courtney’s Imagination
P.s. Enjoy...